Discovery Zone!

Occasionally we will likely recover or discover an asteroid or other object during the course of our exploration through space. These pages will let you know a little more information about them.

The depths of space and the immensity of the universe stand out in my memory as some of the first conversations with my then to be future wife over candlelight dinners.  14 years later I can tell you I never thought we would be doing the things we are with Everstar Observatory. 

Thanks for visiting our site and sharing in our observations.






KC Astronomy

NGC6514 Trifid Nebula
R:300 G:300 B:300
AP8ep LX200 12" @ 10
Jul 18 2001 MAA Average Sky

M11 Wild Duck Clustera
R:30@100% G:300@140% B:30@160%
AP8ep LX200 12" @ 10
Jul 29 2001 MAA Average Sky

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