
While we have chased asteroids without a problem on a full moon, I worry about how the street lights and outdoor lights of the neighborhood where we live will impact our observatory.

We live in a suburb about 20 miles south of Kansas City. Our house totally blocks the northern sky. We are going to have a field of view that starts at about 20 to 30 degrees from the ground due to trees and houses and extends from due West to due East. Because we'll have images from our setup on the site, you'll get to see first hand what the impact is.

We have a walk-out basement, and the scope will be set up just outside far enough to get past the deck.

We installed an Astro Pier and upgraded to a 12” LX200 and also changed out cameras to an AP8P by Apogee.  It has been an interesting journey and since bringing the new camera online there have been many issues.  Our program basically has grinded to a hualt as we have moisture problems. The camaera is being sent in for repair.

We have built a doghouse like shelter which has added hours of observing time and sleep time as it now only takes a few minutes to open up. The shelter actually was built around the 10” scope and expanded on it’s back side to accomodate the new 12 and new camera.  You can see pictures of the initial construction here on the site.

We hope you enjoy the site and from time to time we'll keep you posted.







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