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KC Astronomy

Imaging time at Everstar Observatory, and Mark in the pilot seat.  Some of the best fun I have ever had!

"Set the controls for the heart of the sun"  More jazzy material on the un finished walls and the command center of Everstar.

This is a side view. There are a few little paint details that remain to be completed. The front hatch was an interesting challenge as security considerations and inward facing hinges were essential.

The shelter has 5 different locks and an alarm system.

The patio allows convenient access to the locks and eases opening and closing the shelter.

I never thought I would get it done, and if it weren't for the help of some friends, I'd still be thinking about when to do it.

Thanks goes to grolleg on IRC for the ingenious rail system! It made the engineering hassles of a rolling roof easy and the roof rolls open and close with ease as it glides smoothly across the tracks.

Panther, another friend, helped me construct the roof for which I knew nothing about and would have never completed it if not for him.

An amateur astronomer can make good use of a weather station!  I am using ours to track and correlate weather conditions with imaging quality. The hope is to be able to understand the relationship between weather conditions and imaging conditions to enhance the operations of the observatory

The whole operation is run remotely from my war room in our house. The basement observatory remains in tact and is used for getting the initial alignment and equipment on line.

One the equipment is running everything is then operated through PC Anywhere 2 stories up over 100mb 100 Base T Switched Network.

Everything can be comfortably run on a single machine with 19” monitor.  Sometime I run one session on the laptop and the other functions on my workstation.

All of this has made for a very friendly functional setup!

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